Torture. Execution. Death. Listen as two die-hard fans chat about some of history's most gruesome death sentences. From famous queens and kings to the uncommon names in history, no conviction will be left untouched. Try not to lose your head over this comical approach to the shocking and disturbing stories of treason and crime (whether found guilty or not).
Peter and the Wolf
We've all heard of people being accused of witchcraft, sorcery, and engaging in the dark arts. However, have you ever come across a case where someone was found guilty of being a werewolf? During the 1500s in Germany, a man named Peter Stumpp (given the nickname due to his left hand being a stump) was accused of being the perpetrator behind a series of mysterious murders in his village, but under rather peculiar circumstances. In an era where folklore and reality intertwined, his fellow villagers firmly believed that Peter magically transformed into the local wolf at night to reek havok amongst his neighbors and even loved ones. After being subjected to severe forms of torture, the small German town bore witness to one of the most brutal and violent executions documented. In this episode of Beheaded, we tell the real tale of "Peter and the Wolf".